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Kidney cancer accounts for about 2-3 of all malignant tumors. Every year about 189-190 000nwe cases are registered in the world. New cases of kidney cancer, which occupies 2.2-2.7% in the structure of malignant neoplasms in men, 1.5% in women. Men are 2 times more likely to be ill than women. Every year kidney cancer claims 91,000 lives. In the United States, 30,000 new cases of kidney cancer were reported in 1998, and in 2002 this figure reached nearly 32,000, indicating a progression in morbidity. In that country, 1,200 patients died of kidney cancer in 2002. In the CIS countries there is also an increase in the specific weight of kidney cancer in the structure of oncological morbidity. In terms of growth rate renal cell carcinoma comes to the 2nd place among all malignant neoplasms, showing annual 2% growth.

About the Authors

A. K. Zhumagulova
International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Khoja Ahmed Yasawi

D. T. Arybzhanov
Shymkent City Cancer Center

V. V. Yun
Kyzyiorda regional oncological center


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For citations:

Zhumagulova A.K., Arybzhanov D.T., Yun V.V. WIDESPREAD KIDNEY AND CELLULAR CARCINOMA. Medicine and ecology. 2020;(1):136-139. (In Russ.)

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