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Guidelines for the implementation of IWS in the form of a solving situational medical problems and conducting clinical and pharmacological examination of drug therapy, for the development of clinical thinking of students of the general medicine faculty, were prepared and introduced into the educational process at the Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Evidence-Based Medicine of Karaganda medical university.

About the Authors

Sh. S. Kaliyeva
Karaganda medical university

Ye. A. Yukhnevich
Karaganda medical university

A. Kh. Abushahmanova
Karaganda medical university

N. K. Dusembayeva
Karaganda medical university

T. V. Kim
Karaganda medical university

T. K. Sagadatova
Karaganda medical university


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For citations:

Kaliyeva Sh.S., Yukhnevich Ye.A., Abushahmanova A.Kh., Dusembayeva N.K., Kim T.V., Sagadatova T.K. PROBLEMS OF DEVELOPMENT OF STUDENTS CLINICAL THINKING UNDER REFORMING OF HIGHER MEDICAL EDUCATION. Medicine and ecology. 2020;(1):113-117. (In Russ.)

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