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It is known that persons exposed to tonizing radiatton side by side with a different of damaging effects, in particular attention to given the reproductive system. The dominant role of neutron-activated radionuclide Manganese-56 (56Mn) was noted in the treatises of Japanese scientists who studied the A-Bomb effects of Japanese cities deserving the interest nowaday. In this regard, the research purpose was to study the microscopic changes in the testes of rats exposed to B- and Y-radiatton. In experiment, male sex «Wistar» rats in amount of 30, weighting approximately 227-335 g. Necropsy of the animals were on the 3rd, 14th and 60th days afer irradiatton, then the testes removed, afterward that was fixed in 10% formalin. Tissues fragments embedded in paraffin, then sections are manufactured serial transverse 4 mm thickness which were subsequently stained by hematoxylin and eosin (H&B). The finding of an experimental study demonstrated that neutron-activated manganese dioxide (56Mn) effect the rates testis revealed a high risk level of internal radiation compared with the external radiation (60Co) effects, that is confirmed by the presence of dystrophic and necrobiotic processes in late period. The data obtained confirm the role of ionizing radiation in the formation of histomorphological features depending on both dose and type of radiation.

About the Authors

D. Ye. Uzbekov
Semey medical university

N. Zh. Chaizhunusova
Semey medical university

D. M. Shabdarbayeva
Semey medical university

G. K. Amantayeva
Semey medical university

Y. O. Kairkhanova
Semey medical university

A. A. Zhakipova
Semey medical university

S. A. Apbasova
Semey medical university

S. Ye. Uzbekova
Semey medical university

Zh. Zh. Abishev
Semey medical university

B. .. Rusianova
Semey medical university

A. A. Dussupova
Semey medical university

Zh. B. Kasymbay
Semey medical university


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For citations:

Uzbekov D.Ye., Chaizhunusova N.Zh., Shabdarbayeva D.M., Amantayeva G.K., Kairkhanova Y.O., Zhakipova A.A., Apbasova S.A., Uzbekova S.Ye., Abishev Zh.Zh., Rusianova B..., Dussupova A.A., Kasymbay Zh.B. COMPARATIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF HISTOMORPHOLOGIC CHANGES IN THE TESTIS OF RATS EXPOSED TO INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL RADIATION. Medicine and ecology. 2020;(1):88-96. (In Russ.)

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