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Objective: to study the antidepressant and anti-anxiety effects of harmine hydrochloride in rats undergoing a model of stress-induced disorder. Materials and methods: 30 male outbred rats daily, for 21 days were subjected to stress exposure according to the model of «Chronic unpredictable moderate stress». From the 22nd day animals with a stress-induced disorder were divided into 3 groups and received treatment from 22 to 42 day of the experiment with placebo, harmine hydrochloride or amitriptyline respectively. The animals underwent research in the «Open Field» and «Elevated Cruciform Maze» behavioral tests before the experiment, after undergoing the model of stress-induced disorder and upon completion of treatment. Results and discussion: Changing of behavioral reactions was noted in rats under a model of stress-induced disorder. The results of our experiment showed a significant decrease of indicators of depressive and anxious behavior of animals in the groups receiving harmine hydrochloride and amitriptyline, compared with the group receiving placebo. This is confirmed by a statistically significant increase in the amount of movements, orienting response reactions, and time spent in open space. Conclusions: In rats with a model of stress-induced disorder, the use of harmine hydrochloride helps to alleviate depressive and anxious manifestations.

About the Authors

Ye. V. Yepifantseva
Karaganda medical university

M. A. Romanova
JSC «International Research and Production Holding «Phytochemistry»

R. B. Seidakhmetovtf
JSC «International Research and Production Holding «Phytochemistry»

S. M. Adekenov
JSC «International Research and Production Holding «Phytochemistry»

Ye. V. Pozdnyakova
Karaganda medical university

T. T. Kitova
Medical university of Plovdiv


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For citations:

Yepifantseva Ye.V., Romanova M.A., Seidakhmetovtf R.B., Adekenov S.M., Pozdnyakova Ye.V., Kitova T.T. INFLUENCE OF HARMINE HYDROCHLORIDE ON BEHAVIORAL REACTIONS OF RATS UNDERGOING A MODEL OF STRESS-INDUCED DISORDER. Medicine and ecology. 2020;(1):77-87. (In Russ.)

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