Об авторах
А. К. АтаеваКазахстан
Г. А. Атажанова
К. .. Бадекова
С. А. Ивасенко
А. Б. Марченко
И. В. Лосева
Список литературы
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21. Essential oil compositions, antibacterial and antioxidant activities of various populations of Artemisia chamaemelifolia at two phenological stages /A. G. Pirbalouti, M. Firoznezhad, L. Crak-er, M. Akbarzadeh //Revista Brasileira de Farma-cognosia. - 2013. - V. 23, №6. - P. 861-869.
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25. Identification of repellent and insecticidal constituents of the essential oil of Artemisia rupestris L. aerial parts against Liposcelis bostrychophila badonnel /X. C. Liu, Y. P. Li, H. Q. Li et al. // Molecules. - 2013. - V. 18, №9. - Р. 10733-10746.
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33. The composition, antibiofilm and antimicrobial activities of essential oil of Ferula assa-foetida oleo-gum-resin /K. Zomorodian, J. Sa-harkhiz, K. Pakshir et al. //Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology. - 2018. - V. 14. - P. 300-304.
Для цитирования:
Атаева А.К., Атажанова Г.А., Бадекова К..., Ивасенко С.А., Марченко А.Б., Лосева И.В. ОЦЕНКА КАЧЕСТВА ЭФИРНЫХ МАСЕЛ С ПОМОЩЬЮ АНАЛИЗА ГХ-МС. Медицина и экология. 2020;(1):64-76.
For citation:
Atayeva A.K., Atazhanova G.A., Badekova K.Zh., Ivasenko S.A., Marchenko A.B., Loseva I.V. QUALITY ASSESSMENT OF ESSENTIAL OILS BY GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY-MASS SPECTROMETRY. Medicine and ecology. 2020;(1):64-76. (In Russ.)