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The article presents basic information about sex and age peculiarities of motor activity of schoolchildren. The study was conducted using an active questionnaire. A representative sample of 824 students (408 boys and 416 girls) in Karaganda general education schools was monitored. Pupils aged 10-17 were distributed according to age into 8 groups with an annual interval. In order to study and subjective assessment of the motor activity of schoolchildren, a questionnaire was developed, including questions related to various forms of motor activity and leisure activities of students. The questionnaire found that most students were dominated by static activities in the daily time budget. The results of the study revealed quite low motor activity of schoolchildren during extra-school time and insufficient stay in the open air.

About the Authors

S. I. Rogova
independent joint-stock company «Medical university of Karaganda»

M. G. Kalishev
independent joint-stock company «Medical university of Karaganda»

T. A. Naidyonova
independent joint-stock company «Medical university of Karaganda»


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For citations:

Rogova S.I., Kalishev M.G., Naidyonova T.A. MOTOR ACTIVITY OF SCHOOLCHILDREN ASSESSED SUBJECTIVELY. Medicine and ecology. 2019;(4):40-48. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2305-6045 (Print)
ISSN 2305-6053 (Online)