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Neutrophil extracellular traps are a new paradigm in immune-mediated immunity. NET is considered to be a highly conserved antimicrobial strategy that includes decondensed nuclear DNA and its associated histones, which are extruded into the extracellular space. A number of antimicrobial peptides, which contribute to the extracellular destruction of microorganisms that enter the network, are associated with DNA strands. It has been established that neutrophilic traps have a dual role: on the one hand, they perform a protective function, on the other hand, they are potential mediators of tissue damage. In this regard, the assessment of the extracellular traps formation is of absolute relevance and importance because it can largely determine the development and outcomes of various pathologies.

About the Authors

M. .. Maratkyzy
NC JSC«Karaganda medical university»

A. Ye. Kosybayeva
NC JSC«Karaganda medical university»


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For citations:

Maratkyzy M..., Kosybayeva A.Ye. NEUTROPHIL EXTRACELLULAR TRAPS: FORMATION MECHANISMS. Medicine and ecology. 2019;(4):19-23. (In Russ.)

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