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The authors carried out a detailed and critical analysis of domestic and foreign literature on the study of the incidence of multiple sclerosis, the characteristics of the disease course in various ethnic groups. At first the disease was described by Charcot in 1868 after the discovery of contrast agents for microscopy, the study of multiple sclerosis became even more active and productive. However, today the issues of etiology and epidemiology remain relevant. In the course of numerous studies, it was determined that the genetic factor plays an important role in the development of multiple sclerosis. At the same time, different ethnic groups with a disease of multiple sclerosis have a different number of genes that contribute to the process. Currently, there is a tendency to increase the incidence among ethnic groups for which multiple sclerosis was not previously characteristic, which contributed to the intensification of research in several countries.

About the Authors

Z. D. Kulbayeva
NC JSC «Karaganda medical university»

M. A. Grigolashvili
NC JSC «Karaganda medical university»

S. S. Kaliyev
NC JSC «Karaganda medical university»

Zh. V. Myasnikov
NC JSC «Karaganda medical university»

A. .. Zhasulankyzy
NC JSC «Karaganda medical university»


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For citations:

Kulbayeva Z.D., Grigolashvili M.A., Kaliyev S.S., Myasnikov Zh.V., Zhasulankyzy A... TO THE ISSUE OF MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS EPIDEMIOLOGY. Medicine and ecology. 2019;(4):11-18. (In Russ.)

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