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The relevance of research: education in higher education refers to the category of mental labor with the stress of memory and attention, especially during periods of increased responsibility. Students during the test week, exam session, mid-term test points, modules significantly increase anxiety, intellectual and emotional stress. The student is required to acquire, process, critically evaluate information and apply it in practice. These skills are largely dependent on the student's intellectual level. Formation of a competitive specialist is realized through high physical and mental performance. All this determines the relevance and the need for the development of intelligence, which may be achieved by mastering the unconventional method of reading, which increases the speed of reading for second-year students of the Semey State Medical University. The aim: To study the effectiveness of the Complex program «Improving the intellectual level» B. А. Zhetpisbayev and G. A. Terlikbayeva in the development of intelligence in the process of teaching speed-reading for students of the 2nd course of Semey State Medical University. Materials and methods: the design is an experiment. There were 138 students of the 2nd course of general medicine in the experiment and 26 students of the dental faculty of Semey state medical university. To achieve this aim, the features of the traditional method of reading were analyzed and the Integrated Program «Improving the Intellectual Level» was proposed. B. A. Zhetpisbayev and G. A. Terlikbayeva (2016), consisting of 10 sections: during three months, students learned the Complex Program, conducted the questionnarie «How do you read?» for all students, before and after mastering the Integrated Program, the integral indicator of intelligence (IG), the speed of reading and the level of mechanical memory (Mm) was determined. It was conducted final MCQs in 3,5 months after full completing of Complex program about intelligence increasing: integral indicator of intelligence (IG) and reading speed was determined (V). The obtained digital data is subjected by statistical processing by Montsevichyute-Eringene's method. Results of the research: In 3 months after full development of the Integrated Program for Increasing Intellect, final testing was carried out in 15 days: the integral indicator of intelligence and the speed of reading was determined. The results of the total testing showed that the integral IG of IG among students of general medical and dental faculties increased significantly by 1.19 and 1.22 times, respectively. The reading speed increased both in the 2nd year students of the general medical and dental faculties by 3.41 and 7.5 times, respectively.

About the Authors

B. A. Zhetpisbayev
Semey state medical university

F. S. Rakhimzhanova
Semey state medical university

H. S. Zhetpisbaeva
Semey state medical university

G. A. Terlikbayeva
Kazakh national medical university named after S. D. Asfendiyarov

G. M. Tokesheva
Semey state medical university

S. O. Rahyzhanova
Semey state medical university


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For citations:

Zhetpisbayev B.A., Rakhimzhanova F.S., Zhetpisbaeva H.S., Terlikbayeva G.A., Tokesheva G.M., Rahyzhanova S.O. ESTIMATION OF COMPLEX PROGRAM EFFICIENCY «INTELLECTUAL LEVEL INCREASING» IN INTELLIGENCE DEVELOPMENT OF THE 2-YEAR STUDENTS OF SEMEY STATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY. Medicine and ecology. 2019;(3):76-84. (In Russ.)

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