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Mortality due to respiratory diseases occupies a significant portion of the total of mortality cases, although not the leading one but takes a significant place, with an increase in the level of such cases. Purpose: analysis of medical and social losses due to respiratory diseases in the Karaganda region. Materials and methods: a retrospective analysis (2008 - 2017) of mortality rates from respiratory diseases (in particular for pneumonia and chronic pulmonary diseases) was obtained from the Karaganda branch of the Department of Statistics, including a comparison to the data of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the integral indicator of loss of years from premature mortality of the able-bodied population with a calculation of the share of losses from the gross domestic product in the region. Results and conclusions: the analyzes of mortality from pneumonia in the region revealed a relatively stable trend which indicated a level thath was higher by 1.4 the average of the republican level, mortality due chronic pulmonary diseases has increased more than twofold. The precentage of mortality from respiratory diseases, pneumonia has accounted for 49.9% of the total population, 63.4% for the working-age population, and 82.8% for children under the age of one. Due to pneumonia, the urban population is significantly higher than that of the rural population, and because of chronic pulmonary diseases, the opposite situation was observed. The mortality rates from pneumonia and chronic pulmonary diseases were linearly dependent to age. The mortality of able-bodied men exceeded those of women. Medical and social losses from pneumonia accounted for 0.38% of the region's gross domestic product, and 0.21% due to chronic pulmonary diseases. Increased losses can be associated with environmental, occupational and behavioral risks.

About the Authors

L. K. Ibrayeva
NCJSC «Karaganda medical university»

A. A. Nygimetova
NCJSC «Karaganda medical university»

D. Kh. Rybalkina
NCJSC «Karaganda medical university»

M. B. Aitynbekov
NCJSC «Karaganda medical university»

A. V. Chernetskiy
NCJSC «Karaganda medical university»

O. B. Zhandarbekov
NCJSC «Karaganda medical university»

V. R. Nickel
NCJSC «Karaganda medical university»


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For citations:

Ibrayeva L.K., Nygimetova A.A., Rybalkina D.Kh., Aitynbekov M.B., Chernetskiy A.V., Zhandarbekov O.B., Nickel V.R. ASSESSMENT OF MEDICAL AND SOCIAL LOSSES BY CAUSE OF RESPIRATORY DISEASES IN THE INDUSTRIAL REGION OF RK. Medicine and ecology. 2019;(3):30-39. (In Russ.)

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