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Experience of introduction and assessment of efficiency of a method of a business game when holding practical occupation at students 2 courses of specialty "Public Health Care" on discipline "The general hygiene" is shown in article. The scenario of a business game which contains rules of its carrying out, the description of roles, instructing for each participant, the timing and equipment is in detail painted. The scenario of a business game containing rules of its carrying out, the description of roles, instructing for each participant, the timing and equipment is in detail painted. The scenario of a business game is based on use of situational tasks where the initial game situation is described. The method of questioning carried out feedback with students. The analysis of results of questioning showed that the vast majority of students are satisfied with supply of material on occupation, having highly appreciated the developed and implemented scenario of a business game. From the point of view of pedagogical staff of department the done work allowed to get positive pedagogical experience and makes a certain contribution to practice of use of active methods of training.

About the Authors

M. G. Kalishev
Karaganda medical university

S. I. Rogova
Karaganda medical university

L. N. Lapshina
Karaganda medical university


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For citations:

Kalishev M.G., Rogova S.I., Lapshina L.N. USE OF ACTIVE METHODS OF TRAINING FOR TRAINING OF SPECIALISTS OF PUBLIC HEALTH. Medicine and ecology. 2019;(2):75-79. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2305-6045 (Print)
ISSN 2305-6053 (Online)