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The purpose: introduction of low-dose techniques in digital X-ray diagnostics. Materials and methods: work carried out in the City Mariinsky hospital on 3 digital X-ray machines companies «Electron» (Russia). We use technology Digital X-ray diagnostics, modification which makes them low-doze. These were pulsed fluoroscopy with digital radiography for contrast studies of the stomach; Digital contrast barium enema for colon cancer research; digital chest X-ray with «virtual raster»; digital chest X-ray tough shooting mode. The study included 420 people. For the analysis of doses received by patients as a result of the screening of stomach and colon, were taken from 2 groups of 30 people surveyed according to the procedures developed and 2 control groups of 30 persons, in which the study was conducted by doctors-radiologists of the hospital, not performing accurately implemented the methodology, complementing her own unfounded techniques. Make digital radiography chest without raster 50 people, and digital chest X-ray by shooting rigid beams at a voltage of 120kV - 100 people. We analyzed the dose control patients (50 people), which was carried out with X-rays chest raster and digital chest X-ray (100 people) was performed at a voltage of 100kV. Computer processing X-ray images included software features automated workstation (AWS), a physician, developed by the «Elektron». Results: developed innovative methods of x-ray examination of the stomach and the large intestine was more than 2 times of a low-dose, by reducing the number of images and fluoroscopy frames. Radiography OGK without raster and by hard shooting is possible to significantly reduce the radiation dose to the patient. Conclusions: 1) continuous fluoroscopy as by high-technique, should be excluded from the practice of diagnostic studies. The rate pulsed fluoroscopy is selected depending on the purpose of the study; 2) the proposed innovative methods CR study of the stomach and colon, allowing patients to reduce the dose of 2.5 and 4 times, respectively; 3) digital Radiography chest raster without patient exposure is reduced by 3.5 times; 4) in order to reduce patient dose digital chest X-ray screening recommended tough shooting mode; 5) in order to reduce the number of repeat shots and improve the accuracy of the digital radiography is necessary to use the entire arsenal of digital post-processing provided in AWS radiologist.

About the Author

I. G. Kamyshanskaya
St Petersburg State University
Russian Federation


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