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Introduction: identification of the toxicity of any chemical agent is carried out taking into account its effect on the reproductive system. Objective: to assess the structural changes in the corpus luteum of the ovaries of mature female rats when exposed to dust-salt aerosols of the Aral Sea. Materials and methods: the object of study - females of white mongrel rats with an initial weight of 150-170 g (n=20). The first group is control, the second is experienced. Inhalation exposure was carried out for 30 days. The material of the study was the ovaries of animals. Histological examination was according to the standard technique with hematoxylin - eosin staining. Results: when morphological assessment of the size of the ovaries, we found a significant difference in the studied groups. Morphometric studies showed that in the experimental group of animals, compared with the control, there is a decrease in the number of menstrual corpus luteum in the ovary and their area, respectively, by 21.7% (p<0.05 ), 10.49% (p<0.05) Conclusions: when the inhalation effect of the salt - salt aerosols of the Aral Sea, there is a change in the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the structure of the corpus luteum of the ovary, and as a result, we believe that there is insufficient secretion of progesterone, insufficient luteal phase, preimplantational and preplacental losses.

About the Authors

Ya. G. Turdybekova
Karaganda medical university

R. Zh. Yesimova
Karaganda medical university

Ye. K. Kamyshanskiy
Karaganda medical university

B. Zh. Kuitanov
Karaganda medical university

L. S. Appazova
Karaganda medical university


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For citations:

Turdybekova Ya.G., Yesimova R.Zh., Kamyshanskiy Ye.K., Kuitanov B.Zh., Appazova L.S. MORPHOLOGICAL CHANGES OF CORPUS LUTEUMIN RAT OVARIES WHEN EXPOSED TO CHEMICAL POLLUTANTS. Medicine and ecology. 2019;(1):99-104. (In Russ.)

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