Авторлар туралы
М. А. ЕрмековаҚазақстан
М. Т. Алиякпаров
В. М. Черемисин
К. .. Т Шакеев
И. Г. Камышанская
Әдебиет тізімі
1. Абдурахманов Р. Ф. Диагностика и хирургическая коррекция заболеваний поджелудочной железы у военнослужащих и лиц молодого возраста: Автореф. дис..канд. мед. наук. - Алматы, 2015. - 22 с.
2. Белобородова Ю. С.Значение методов лучевой визуализации в диагностическом алгоритме при остром панкреатите /Ю. С. Белобородова, Ю. С. Винник, А. А. Белобородов, Е. П. Данилина //Сиб. мед. обозрение. - 2014. -№1. - С. 66-70.
3. Лучевая диагностика и терапия. Общая лучевая диагностика /Под ред. С. К. Терновой.- М.: ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2014.- Т. 1.- 232 с.
4. Скутова В. А. Острый панкреатит - актуальные вопросы диагностики и комплексного лечения /В. А. Скутова, А. И. Данилов, Ж. А. Феокистова //Вестник СГМА. - 2016. - №2. -С. 78-84.
5. A comparative evaluation of radiologic and clinical scoring systems in the early prediction of severity in acute pancreatitis /T. L. Bollen, V. K. Singh, R. Maurer et al. //Am. J. Gastroenterol. - 2012. - V. 107. - P. 612-619.
6. A comparative evaluation of radiologic and clinical scoring systems in the early prediction of severity in acute pancreatitis /T. L. Bollen, V. K. Singh, R. Maurer et al. //Am. J. Gastroenterol. - 2012. - V. 107. - P. 612-619.
7. A modified CT severity index for evaluating acute pancreatitis: improved correlation with patient outcome /K. J. Mortele, W. Wiesner, L. Intriere et al. //AJR Am. J. Roentgenol. - 2004. -V. 183.- P. 1261-1265.
8. Acute pancreatitis: interobserver agreement and correlation of CT and MR cholangiopancreatography with outcome /R. Lecesne, P. Taourel, P. M. Bret et al. //Radiology. - 1999. - V. 211. - P. 727-735.
9. Acute pancreatitis: updates in classification system /N. M. Grekova, A. G. Bukhvalov, Y. V. Lebedeva, S. A. Bukhvalova //Modern problems of science and education. - 2015. - №3. - P. 67-69.
10. Added value of diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging for the detection of pancreatic fluid collection infection /B. Borens, M. Arvanitakis, J. Absil et al. //Eur. Radiol. - 2017. -V. 27. - P. 1064-1073.
11. American College of Gastroenterology guidelines: management of acute pancreatitis /S. Tenner, J. Baillie, J. DeWitt et al. //Am. J. Gastroenterol. - 2013. - V. 108. - P. 1400-1415.
12. Association between severity and the Determinant-Based Classification, Atlanta 2012 and Atlanta 1992, in acute pancreatitis. A clinical retrospective study /Y. Chen, L. Ke, Z. Tong et al. //Medicine. - 2015. - V. 94. - P. 1-7.
13. Atlanta, revised Atlanta, and Determinant-based classification-application in a cohort of Portuguese patients with acute pancreatitis /S. R. Fernandes, J. Carvalho, P. Santos et al. //Eur. J. Gastroenterol. Hepatol. - 2016. - V. 28. - P. 20-24.
14. Banks P. A. Classification of acute pancreatitis-2012: revision of Atlanta classification and definitions by international consensus //P. A. Banks, T. L. Bollen, C. Dervenis //Gut. - 2013. -V. 62. - Р. 102-111.
15. Bollen T. L. Acute pancreatitis: international classification and nomenclature //Clin. Radiol. - 2016. - V. 71. - P. 121-133.
16. Burden of gastrointestinal, liver, and pancreatic diseases in the United States /a. F. Peery, S. D. Crockett, A. S. Barritt et al. // Gastroenterology. - 2015. - V. 149. - P. 17311741.
17. Byrne K. R. Cannulation of the major and minor papilla via endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography: Techniques and outcomes /K. R. Byrne, G. A. Douglas //Gastrointest. Endosc. - 2012. - V. 14, №3. - P. 135-140.
18. Can contrast-enhanced ultrasound evaluate the severity of acute pancreatitis? /Q. Lu, Y. Zhong, X. R Wen. et al. //Dig. Dis. Sci. - 2011. -V. 56. - P.1578-1584.
19. Comparative evaluation of the modified CT severity index and CT severity index in assessing severity of acute pancreatitis /T. L. Bollen, V. K. Singh, R. Maurer et al. //AJR Am. J. Roentgenol. - 2011. - V. 197. - P. 386-392.
20. Comparison of abdominal ultrasound, endoscopic ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging in detection of necrotic debris in walled-off pancreatic necrosis /S. S. Rana, V. Chaudhary, R. Sharma et al. //Gastroenterol. Rep. - 2016. -V. 4. - P. 50-53.
21. Contrast-enhanced ultrasound in the staging of acute pancreatitis /T. Ripolles, M. J. Martinez, E. Lopez et al. //Eur. Radiol. - 2010. - V. 20. - P. 2518-2523.
22. CT and MRI assessment of symptomatic organized pancreatic fluid collections and pancreatic duct disruption: an interreader variability study using the revised Atlanta classification 2012 /A. Kamal, V. K. Singh, V. S. Akshintala et al. //Abdom. Imaging. - 2015. - V. 40. - P. 16081616.
23. Dachs R. J. Does early ED CT scanning of afebrile patients with first episodes of acute pancreatitis ever change management? /R. J. Dachs, L Sullivan., P. Shanmugathasan //Emerg. Radiol. - 2015. - V. 22. - P. 239-243.
24. Debridement and closed packing for sterile or infected necrotizing pancreatitis: insights into indications and outcomes in 167 patients /J. R., Rodriguez, A. O. Razo, J. Targarona et al. //Ann. Surg. - 2008. - V. 247. - P. 294299.
25. Do the morphological features of walled off pancreatic necrosis on endoscopic ultrasound determine the outcome of endoscopic transmural drainage? /S. S. Rana, D. K. Bhasin, R. K. Sharma et al. //Endosc. Ultrasound. - 2014. - V. 3. - P. 118-122.
26. Dynamic measurement of disease activity in acute pancreatitis: the pancreatitis activity scoring system /B. U. Wu, M. Batech, M. Quezada et al. //Am. J. Gastroenterol. - 2017. - V. 112. -P. 1144-1152.
27. Echo enhanced ultrasound: a new valid initial imaging approach for severe acute pancreatitis /S. Rickes, C. Uhle, S. Kahl et al. //Gut. -2006. - V. 55. - P. 74-78.
28. Endoscopic management of acute necrotizing pancreatitis: European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE) evidence-based multidisciplinary guidelines /M. Arvanitakis, J.-M. Dumonceau, J. Albert, A. Badaoui //Endoscopy. -2018. - V. 50 (05). - P. 524-546.
29. Forsmark C. E. AGA Institute technical review on acute pancreatitis /C. E. Forsmark, J. Baillie //Gastroenterology. - 2007. - V. 132. - P. 2022-2044.
30. Gillams A. R. Diagnosis of duct disruption and assessment of pancreatic leak with dynamic secretin-stimulated MR cholangiopancreatography /A. R. Gillams, T. Kurzawinski, W. R. Lees //Ajr Am. J. Roentgenol. - 2006. - V. 186. - P. 499-506.
31. IAP/APA evidence-based guidelines for the management of acute pancreatitis /M. Besselink, H. van Santvoort, M. Freeman et al. // Pancreatology. - 2013. - V. 13. - e1-e15.
32. Mortele K. J. Acute pancreatitis: imaging utilization practices in an urban teaching hospital-analysis of trends with assessment of independent predictors in correlation with patient outcomes /K. J. Mortele, I. K. Ip, B. U. Wu // Radiology. - 2011. - V. 258. - P. 174-181.
33. Nawaz H. Revised Atlanta and determinant-based classification: application in a prospective cohort of acute pancreatitis patients /H. Nawaz, R. Mounzer, D. Yadav //Am. J. Gastroenterol. - 2013. - V. 108. - P. 1911-1917.
34. Non-invasive detection of infection in acute pancreatic and acute necrotic collections with diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging: preliminary findings /F. Islim, A. E. Salik, S. Bayramoglu et al. //Abdom. Imaging. - 2014. - V. 39. - P. 472-481.
35. Pancreatic fluid collections prior to intervention: evaluation with MR imaging compared with CT and US /D. E. Morgan, T. H. Baron, J. K. Smith et al. //Radiology. - 1997. - V. 203. - P. 773-778.
36. Performance of the revised Atlanta and determinant-based classification for severity in acute pancreatitis /S. S. Bansal, J. Hodson, R. S. Sutcliffe //Br. J. Surg. - 2016. - V. 103. - P. 427433.
37. Prospective evaluation of nonenhanced MR imaging in acute pancreatitis /L. Viremouneix, O. Monneuse, G. Gautier et al. //J. Magn. Reson. Imaging. - 2007. - V. 26. - P. 331-338.
38. Prospective validation of 4-category classification of acute pancreatitis severity /R. B. Thandassery, T. D. Yadav, U. Dutta et al. // Pancreas. - 2013. - V. 42. - P. 392-396.
39. Raja A. S. Abdominal imaging utilization in the emergency department: trends over two decades /A. S. Raja, K. J. Mortele, R. Hanson // Int. J. Emerg. Med. - 2011. - V. 4. - P. 19.
40. Spanier B. W. M. Practice and yield of early CT scan in acute pancreatitis: a Dutch Observational Multicenter Study /B. W. M. Spanier, Y. Nio, R. W. M. van der Hulst //Pancreatology. -2010. - V. 10. - P. 222-228.
41. Stevens T. Role of endoscopic ultrasonography in the diagnosis of acute and chronic pancreatitis //Gastrointest. Endosc. Clin. North Amer. - 2013. - V. 23, №4. - P. 735-747.
42. Tenner S. American College of Gastroenterology guideline: management of acute pancreatitis /S. Tenner, J. Baillie, J. DeWitt //Am. J. Gastroenterol. - 2013. - V. 108. - P. 1400-1416.
43. The Atlanta classification, revised Atlanta classification, and determinant-based classification of acute pancreatitis. Which is best at stratifying outcomes? /V. Kadiyala, S. L. Suleiman, J. McNabb-Baltar //Pancreas. - 2016. - V. 45. - P. 510-515.
44. The role of nonenhanced magnetic resonance imaging in the early assessment of acute pancreatitis /D. Stimac, D. Miletic, M. Radic et al. //Am. J. Gastroenterol. - 2007. - V. 102. - P. 997-1004.
45. The role of routine fine-needle aspiration in the diagnosis of infected necrotizing pancreatitis /M. C. van Baal, T. C. Bollen, O. J. Bakker et al. //Surgery. - 2014.- V. 155.- P. 442-448.
46. The value of procalcitonin at predicting the severity of acute pancreatitis and development of infected pancreatic necrosis: systematic review /R. Mofidi, S. Suttie, P. V. Patil et al. // Surgery. - 2009. - V. 146. - P. 72-81.
47. Thoeni R. F. The revised Atlanta classification of acute pancreatitis: its importance for the radiologist and its effect on treatment // Radiology. - 2012. - V. 262. - P. 751-764.
48. Validation of the determinant-based classification and revision of the Atlanta classification systems for acute pancreatitis /N. G. Aceve-do-Piedra, N. Moya-Hoyo, M. Rey-Riveiro et al. // Clin. Gastroenterol. Hepatol. - 2014. - V. 12. - P. 311-316.
49. Wu B. U. Clinical management of patients with acutepancreatitis /B. U. Wu, P. A. Banks //Gastroenterology. - 2013. - V. 144. - P. 1272-1281.
Дәйектеу үшін:
Ермекова М.А., Алиякпаров М.Т., Черемисин В.М., Т Шакеев К..., Камышанская И.Г. МҮМШДІКТЕР РЕНТГЕН ЖЕДЕЛ ПАНКРЕАТИТТІҢ ДИАГНОСТИКА ЖӘНЕ БОЛЖАУ ӘДІСІЖӘНЕ ОНЫҢ АСҚЫНУ- ЛАРЫ. Медицина және экология. 2019;(1):80-91.
For citation:
Yermekova M.A., Ahyakparov M.T., Cheremisirf' V.M., Shakeyev K.T., Kamyshanskaya I.G. OPPORTUNITIES OF X-RAY METHODS IN DIAGNOSTICS AND FORECAST OF ACUTE PANCREATITIS AND ITS COMPLICATIONS. Medicine and ecology. 2019;(1):80-91. (In Russ.)